Luther on The Issues


The Policies in Richmond have kept incomes from keeping up with inflation and Virginians are struggling. Over the past four years we have seen inflation increase and the value of the dollar shrink. Housing prices have surged to 17% and interest rates by 8% causing massive price surges for gas, groceries, and rent. This can’t go on, we need someone in Richmond with real life experience who knows first hand what hardworking Virginians are going through and create solutions.

2nd Amendment

I believe our constitutional rights are bestowed upon us by God and it is the government’s role to protect those rights, not infringe upon them. I am a strong supporter of the right to bear arms.


We have a government obsessed with taxing EVERYTHING.

Lowering taxes increases the tax base. With Biden-omics bringing inflation, we need to allow Virginians to have a chance. In the Virginia Senate, I will be a champion for Tax Reform & Tax Reduction.


Since the age of ten I have been working farms in rural Virginia and know first hand the hardships our rural Virginian farmers are up against. For hundreds of years, Farmers have a much better track record of caring for and protecting the land than unelected bureaucrats who do not know rural Virginia impose on us, destroying our beautiful commonwealth. Due to Erosion Requirements from Government mandates, farmers fear they will need permits to farm their own land. We need the government out of the way and let our farmers do what they do best.

Sportsmen: Hunting & Fishing

I’ve been an outdoorsman all my life. This is an issue very close to me, I’ve been hunting since I could learn how to hold a gun and have made a career in the fishing industry. Virginia hunting has a great and long history and I want to do everything I can to protect it. I believe in giving more liberty to the citizens. I want to protect the “right to retrieve” dog hunting and reduce red tape to allow recreational fishing.


We need transparency when it comes to our kids and we don’t have it.

I will be a champion for protecting parental rights and require school boards to divulge the full curriculum of what material our children are being taught. We need separation of political ideology in public education. Our current education system does not educate, it’s brainwashing, we teach our kids what to think not how to think. Lets invest in the student, not invest in failing school systems. We need vouchers that follow the student, we need trade schools, we need an education system that focuses on the student, not a failing government program.


I believe this is one of the major issues America and the Commonwealth is currently facing. I fear we are heading in a direction where individuals will no longer be land owners. Thanks to Bidenomics, there’s virtually no entry point for real people to get into the market. The regulatory burden on lot development infrastructure requirements is stifling growth making it nearly impossible to own or build a house.


I am Pro-life, life begins at conception. No exceptions.