Luther Cifers is a father, husband, grandfather, and lifelong Virginian. He’s a self-made, highly successful entrepreneur with diverse life experiences. He is currently running for Virginia’s Tenth District Senate seat. Luther’s goal is to return trust, power, and authority to hardworking Virginians
Politicians in Richmond and DC have lost touch, and the regulatory burden in their wake is stifling Americans, making the American dream less and less approachable generation after generation. Luther knows this because has spent a lifetime pursuing – and living – the American Dream. From humble beginnings to creating powerhouse brands, Luther knows first-hand the challenges faced by Virginians in many walks of life. He wants to keep McGuire’s Seat conservative, and hopes to be the trusted ambassador for the people’s voice in the Virginia Senate, supporting Governor Youngkin & President Trump’s Agenda in a way that ensures liberty and opportunity for all Virginians.
Cifers, a fifth generation Virginian, grew up in Amelia County. His father was an entrepreneur and his mother was a nurse. They instilled in him the conservative values of hard work, self-reliance, and serving others. He began working in tobacco fields around ten years old, and later worked in various jobs in the construction industry. At age 19 he started his career in manufacturing, rising through the ranks and developing skills in design, engineering, and leadership. He is the Founder of YakAttack, an industry-leading fishing products manufacturer in Farmville Virginia, Bonafide Kayaks, an industry leading fishing kayak brand, and MagPump, a provider of magazine speed loaders used primarily by competitive shooters, police, and military. Luther has a clear track record of success as an Innovator, Job Creator, and Community Leader.
Luther sees opportunities where others only see problems. Unconstrained by the status quo, he is able to see past “how it is” to “how it should be”. The government track record, on the other hand, is not good. Layering taxes upon taxes and regulation upon regulation, their policies are steadily distancing themselves from Constitutional principles, stifling growth, creativity, and prosperity in the process.
Like our founding fathers, Luther believes that trust, power, and authority should be vested in citizens, not the government. Armed with the interests and concerns of the People, in light of his diverse life experiences, Luther will fight to protect our rights, support our communities, and reduce the overwhelming burden that a growing bureaucracy is placing on the shoulders of Virginia’s hardest working citizens.
- Born and raised in Amelia County
- Started working in tobacco fields at young age
- Husband, father of 5, grandfather of one with another on the way
- Conservative
- Christian
- Self-made businessman, entrepreneur
- Founder of YakAttack, Bonafide Kayaks, MagPump, Cifers Foundation
- Currently building Seared Steakhouse
- Currently building residential construction company to use waste elimination methods and technology to reduce cost of residential homes by 30%
- 17 patents with many more pending
- Passion for creating opportunity for hard working people
- Made in the USA advocate who has put his money where his mouth is
- Well respected in various circles around the globe
- Member, PEC Strategic Planning Committee
- Member, GO Virginia Strategic Planning Committee
- Speaker at conferences, domestically and abroad
- Ukraine Support
- Pivoted YakAttack to make emergency PPE during early days of COVID crisis
- Member, SEED Innovation Hub Founder’s Council
- Guides and Mentors other Entrepreneurs
- Loves to hunt and fish
- Enjoys farming
- Homeschooled
- Has raised over $100K for injured veterans
- Inspired by a highly inventive, hard working father who was also a small business owner